We can quickly put the finest professionals at your fingertips.

SHR Human Resources, LLC offers services to clients in various human resources areas, including executive recruiting, strategic management, workforce planning, employee relations, compensation review, personnel records management, and HR development.


SHR Human Resources offers placement and consulting services to for-profit companies and not-for profit and government agencies in the Central Florida area. Recruiting services include direct, contract, and retained searches in a wide variety of professions. Human Resources consulting services include conducting HR Audits, advising on workplace management, developing employee manuals, designing new hire forms, performance evaluation systems, and drafting job descriptions. Records management and compliance issues are routinely addressed in the company’s work with its clients.

Don Selvage

Donald Selvage


Phone: 863-712-7360

Email: dselvage@shrllc.com


Don Selvage is the president and owner of SHR Human Resources, LLC. He has served for more than 25 years in the human resources field. Don also has 30 years of leadership experience in the United States Marine Corps, leaving active-duty service in 1999 as a colonel.

A former Florida HR Professional of the Year, Don is active in various professional associations and community affairs. A former member of the Lakeland City Commission, he has served as a board member and/or chair of many not-for-profit and community organizations, including United Way of Central Florida, The Lakeland Rotary Club, Lakeland Police Athletic League, Polk County Veterans Council, Mid-Florida Society of Human Resources, and the Lakeland Senior Hub.

Becky Joyce

Executive Recruiter

Phone: 863-412-9153

Email: bjoyce@shrllc.com


Becky Joyce is a professional recruiter with over 20 years’ experience in Recruiting and Human Resources. Active in various civic and community affairs, Becky enjoys a very extensive network of potential candidates.

The SHR Human Resources LLC team is committed to providing outstanding services to their clients. Services are customized to fit the client’s needs with the goal of delivering services in a timely and professional manner.

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